********************************************************************** The Elder Scrolls III MORROWIND: Graphic Herbalism v1.2 Requires both expansions ********************************************************************** Index: 1. Installation 2. Playing the Plugin 3. Save Games and Compatibility 4. Known Bugs 5. Credits & Permission ********************************************************************** 1. INSTALLING THE PLUGIN ********************************************************************** To install the plug-in, unzip all files into the Morrowind\Data Files directory, making sure to keep the directory structure intact. Then, from the Morrowind Launcher, select Data Files and check the box next to the files you wish to use. Bloated Caves.esp Adds bloat spores to caves. (Works alone too.) Graphic Herbalism.esp The main mod. Changes all plants, and kallops, egg sacks Graphic Herbalism Extra.esp Requires Graphic Herbalism.esp Changes minerals and misc. other stuff. Less "purist". Note, this load order is important. If you change and of the mods try to keep them in this order. ********************************************************************** 2. PLAYING THE PLUGIN ********************************************************************** When you activate a plant, instead of opening like a container you will automatically try to harvest ingredients. A message (as well as a sound effect) will let you know whether you succeeded, and if so, how many ingredients you got. You have the same chance of getting ingredients as in the original game. Also the plant will change so you can see that it's been picked over. For instance the berries on the comberry bush or the blossoms on a stoneflower will disappear. Some plants like marsh merrow and corkbulb are harvested whole so the entire plant will disappear. Plants respawn in 30 days. Officially it took the months in the original game, but due to some strangeness with leveled lists it could actually be less. In any case you can adjust this by setting this global in the console: MU_GH_DaysToRegen If you decide to use Graphic Herbalism Extra.esp a few other things will change. Minerals (glass, ebony, etc.) will require a pick to collect in quantity. They will also change to show when they're depleted, like plants do. Certain plants will require a tool of some kind to harvest effectively too. ********************************************************************** 3. SAVE GAMES AND COMPATIBILITY ********************************************************************** Incompatible with mods that put scripts on, or otherwise change pickable plants. Most of the "picked" models use no new textures so they will not clash even if you use a texture replacer. However depleted ore and four plants (comberry, mucksponge, holly and spiny lloramor) could only be represented using a new texture and may not look good if you use a texture replacer that effects those plants. It's safe to add this mod to an existing game. If you previously used another "herbalism" mod, replacing it with this one should be safe, but I have not tested this with all such mods. Unloading this mod from an existing save in problematic however as picked plants will be left disabled. The only solution I can offer is to set MU_GH_DaysToRegen to 0 and visit every cell you've picked plants in before unloading the mod. ********************************************************************** 4. KNOWN BUGS ********************************************************************** When you pick a plant, sometimes the new model won't be lit correctly. I did what I could to minimize this. In any case it will go away as soon as you leave the area and return, or when you move at all if the light source is your torch/landern. ********************************************************************** 5. CREDITS & PERMISSION ********************************************************************** Syclonix For creating Herbalism for Purists, which inspired this mod. The NifTools team For NifSkope, which I used to hack off bits of the plants. Created by ManaUser paul AT manauser DOT info You may use anything from this mod, credit is appreciated but optional. That means you can redistribute the whole thing too, though in that case, I sure hope you give me credit. :)