Mini-Mods by ManaUser This is a collection of simple mods I made mostly for my own use. Many of them didn't seem quite worth releasing by themselves, so I packaged them together. Most but not all could be considered "tweaks", but the only thing they really have in common, is that they're fairly small, esp-only mods. Here's a short description of each. (Trib) (BM) (Both) and (Either) after a mod indicate which expansion(s) it requires. Ahnassi.esp Lets players take the Ahnassi romance a little farther. Nothing too explicit. One new quest, complete with Khajiity dialog. Barb Fix.esp Adjusts the skills of Barbarian equipped fur or netch leather so that they will actually wear it. Big Women.esp Makes women of some races look a little a little stronger. Namely Orcs, Redgaurds, Nords, Imperials and High Elves. Purely aesthetic. The first four because they're supposed to be tough races, the last because they look ridiculously thin. Dark Sister.esp (Trib) Despite the name, the Dark Brotherhood has always had both male and female members in other TES games, now they do in Morrowind too. * New DB Armor Reducer.esp (Trib) Takes that expensive armor away from the lower level Dark Brotherhood assassins. Mid level assassins have partial suits. It made no sense for a level 1 character to have that kind of gear, and it was unbalancing for the PC to get it at that level too. * Now compatible with Dark Sisters. Demon Weapons.esp Changes Demon, Devil, and Fiend weapons to Cast on Strike, and gives Devil and Fiend varients more useful secondary effects. The latter change applies to the helms as well. * New Detect Gold.esp Makes the Detect Key spell effect detect gold too. It's a little buggy where gold in containers is concerned. The spell will still detects gold after it has been removed. Kind of experimental. Disease.esp Adds some new diseases and makes some types of healthy creatures (namely cliff racers) less likely to attack. Grave Goods.esp Makes urns in tombs more interesting. You can now find the odd bit of jewelry, or other items from time to time, plus a chance of more interesting "dusts" instead of bonemeal. Healing.esp Healers now live up to their name and can heal you directly instead of just selling potions. Some healers offer a bigger selection of healing spells than others, based on their experience level. UPDATE: Healers can run out of magicka, but also might give you charity healing if you're in desperate need and can't afford it. Hide The Skooma.esp This mod makes your character automatically "hide" their drugs when talking to honest traders. That way you can still sell other items without having to drop your contraband. Also traders in criminal factions now have no qualms about buying them. Hot Floor.esp (Either) Hot floors in Dwemer ruins can burn you. Boots offer some protection, metal (heavy) help some, but light or medium boots are better. * New Index Mod.esp (BM) This is intended to make Propylons more practical while preserving their oringal function. To that end, each index can be find somewhere in its associated fortress, a few extra copies exist elsewhere, and they can be detected as magic items. * New It's me, you idiot.esp Gets rid of that darn "Who's there?" greeting. I never saw the point of that, and 9 times out of 10 it shows up inappropriately anyway. Khajiit Eyes.esp This changes the Khajiits' Eye of Night spell into an always-on ability. If you have an existing Khajiit character, use this console command: Player->AddSpell Eye_of_Night Mixed Guards 2.esp (Both) It always seemed odd that some of the unique NPC guards were female, but none of the rank-and-file (except Redoran guards) were. This mod makes some of the generic guards women. This version uses static replacements instead of leveled lists, which caused too many problems. NOTE: This is not a sexy guards mod. All guards have sensible armor. Mortal Guards.esp (Both) Simply removes the respawn flag from guards. Compatible with Mixed Guards 2. Pelagiad Fix.esp Pelagiad was one of the first areas Bethesda built, which I suspect is why they goofed. Ever seen part of the fort DISAPEAR? That's because it's technically "in" a cell one over from where it appears. This mod fixes that. Propylon Mod.esp Changes the Propylons so you can make a complete loop by picking the right(or left) Propylon repeatedly. (Assuming you have every index.) Re-Ouch (Either) Tweaks to the "Ouch" scripts on Keening, Sunder and jury-rigged Wraithguard. It should be at once more forgiving and more relentless. It won't instantly kill you like I could before, but anyone fool enough to persist in misusing one of the Tools will find the damage quickly becomes overwhelming. Riekling Knock Off.esp (BM) (Based on Unboarable Rieklings by Neoptolemus) This is a fun little mod that makes reikling raiders and their boars work more like two creatures. They can be killed separately and if you hit them hard enough the rieklink may be knocked off. Show Ammo Dmg.esp (Both) The game doesn't show the damage rating of arrows and bolts, but they have one. It's added to bow's damage when you hit. I've renamed all the arrows and bolts with their damage rating after their name. Example: Glass Arrow 1-6, Iron Bolt 2-3 Show Ammo Dmg - NoExp.esp As above but only does arrows and bold from the original game. Silver Weapon Crate Fix.esp You know that crate with exactly one of each silver weapon in it? I always suspected it was a testing object that accidentally got placed in the game world or something. Anyway, it looks out of place to me. This turns it into a more normal weapon crate. The new create usually includes a magic weapon though, just to be a little interesting. Sleep.esp Replaces the standard Sleep spell with one that works better. It's totally legit (cost based on spell effects) but costs less than the original. It may be harder to cast though, as it's multi-school Destruction/Restoration now. Sol-Weather Tweak.esp (BM) Previously southern Solstheim had snow on the ground texture, but it never actually snowed. Now there's a 15% chance. Stolen Goods Fix.esp (Both) (Previously this was partly broken, now fixed.) Allows you to freely collect "stolen" items from the evidence chest after you pay your fine or leave jail. But don't think this is a good way to get a discount, because it also doubles fine for theft to twice the value of the item. Morrowind's handling of stolen items is so broken that this was the best solution I could come up with. Stolen Goods Fix - No Exp.esp As above but doesn't change the chests at For Frostmoth or the Royal Palace in Mournhold. Suran Ferry.esp (Either) Adds a boatman west of Suran. He can take you either way across the river or drop you off at Suran. Also fixes two minor problems on the north dock. A barrel that was "levitating", and a step that was too high to get up without jumping. Update: Now works as expected with PTE Tome of Spellmaking.esp This puts a Tome of Spellmaking in each Mage's Guild. It works like an NPC spellmaker except it costs magicka instead of gold. If you're Telvanni, look for a surprise in your stronghold. Turn Undead.esp (Both) Makes Turn Undead significantly more powerful. It can actually destroy undead creatures if the magnitude is great enough. On the other hand, they're no immune to calm and demoralize effects. * New ---------------------------------------------------------------------- All mods created by ManaUser paul AT manauser DOT info Feedback is always welcome, especially if you find a bug or problem of some kind. You may use these mods in any way you like, credit is appreciated but optional. And in case "use in any way" isn't clear enough, you specifically may also re-upload these mod anywhere you like.