***************************************************************** The Elder Scrolls III MORROWIND: New Icons 2.1 Requires: Morrowind ***************************************************************** I never liked the spell icons in Morrowind. They're pretty, but most of them don't look like anything particular. I suppose I would have learned to recognize them eventually, but I but I decided to make my own instead. This may not be as pretty, but they all have at least some connection with spell effect. I figure even if it's not obvious what they mean the first time you see them, you'll have not trouble remembering next time. Index: 1. Installation 2. Playing the Plugin 3. Save Games, Compatibility, etc. 4. Known Bugs 5. Credits & Usage ***************************************************************** 1. INSTALLING THE PLUGIN ***************************************************************** Unzip all files into your Morrowind data files directory c:\program files\Bethesda Softworks\Morrowind\Data Files by default). Be sure your unzip program leaves the directories intact, so the icons end up in the Data Files\Icons\S\New_Icons folder. There are four esp files: New Icons - Basic.esp - The main esp. New Icons - Trib Add-on.esp - Use this also if you have Tribunal. New Icons - BM Add-on.esp - Use this also if you have Bloodmoon. New Icons - WGI Compat.esp - Use instead of New Icons - Basic.esp if you have Wakim's Game Improvements. Make sure it's loaded after WGI. Any esp files you won't be using can be deleted. To load the mod, start Morrowind, and when the launcher window comes up, click "Data Files," then find each esp file that you will be using and double click it. Click Ok, then, back at the Morrowind Launcher, click Play. ***************************************************************** 2. PLAYING THE PLUGIN ***************************************************************** There's nothing to it, just start playing and enjoy the new. clearer icons. Also note that Mysticism is now Midnight Blue so it looks less like Alteration. Most should be self explanitory but just in case, here's a list of the icons, what they mean, and when it's not obvious, and why they mean it. You needn't read this unless you have trouble remembering them. A few elements are used repeatedly, so I'll list them first: Netch - Creature Man - Humanoid (or the target in general) 5-Pointed Star(Pentacle) - Magic/Magicka Damage Types: Snow Flake - Frost Lightning Bold - Shock Fire - Fire Hour Glass Shape - Poison (Found on Black Widow spiders) 5-Pointed Star - Magicka Sword - Normal Weapons Stat Symbols: Flexing Arms - Attribute (INT, STR, AGI, etc. Symbol means strength the rest have to share) Head & Arm w/ Club - Skill (Such as a weapon skill) Beating Heart - Health Man doing Push-ups - Fatigue (That's Tiring!) 5-Pointed Star - Magicka 5-Pointed Star in box - Maximum Magicka (A container for magic?) Fist - Attack (Note, this means chance to hit) Illnesses: * Bar - Paralysis (Bar = Barrier) * Hour Glass Shape - Poison (Found on Black Widow spiders) * Rat Head - Common Disease (Rats carry Disease) * Volcano w/ Cloud - Blight Disease (Comes from the Volcano) * Odd Swirly Symbol - Corprus Disease (Basically Unchanged) On to the main list: ALTERATION: (Purple) Anvil - Burden Parachute - Slowfall Jumping Man - Jump Man With Up Arrows - Levitate Closed Padlock - Lock Open Padlock - Open Damage Icon on Shield - X Shield (Where X is that damage type) Plain Shield - Shield Feather - Feather Two arrows in Water - Swift Swim (2 is faster than 1?) Head in water w/ bubbles - Water Breathering (Bubbles = breath) Man walking on Water - Water Walking CONJURATION: (Pale Yellow) Any Weapon or Armor - Bound item of that type Chain and Man or Netch - Command Humanoid or Creature (Chain = Ctrl) Face or Body of Creature - Summon that Creature (some are stylized) Skull w/ Curved Arrow - Turn Undead (Arrow = Turn Around) Daedric Letter - Summon Something, these are the the two extra summon spells from Bloodmoon. The letters are D and E because they are the 4th and 5th BM suommon spells. DESTRUCTION: (Red) Any Damage Type Icon - That kind of Damage An X w/ Stat Symbol - Damage that Stat Sword / Shield w/ Cracks - Disintegrate Weapon / Armor Down Arrows - Drain that Stat w/ Stat Icon (More like triangles than arrows, really) Tiny 5-pointed Star - Stunted Magicka (Tiny = Stunted) Sun - Sun Damage Lips with Fangs - Vampirism Damage / Illness Icon - Weakness to that Damage / Illness w/ 4 Exlamation marks (! meaning extreme whatever I guess) Illusion: (Light Green) Eye with Slash in center - Blind (crossed out eye, simple) Head w/ Z and Being - Calm that Being (Z=Sleep=Calm) Head w/ !!! and Being - Demoralize that Being (!!!=Alarm=Fear) Head w/ waves and Being - Frenzy that Being (Waves=Heat=Anger) Head w/ Star and Being - Rally that being (Star=Happy, I guess) (Being = Man or Netch, Symbolizing Humanoid or Creature) Curled Lizard on two-color background - Chameleon (A Chameleon, sortof) Dumb Smiling Face - Charm (Looks Brainwashed) Blank - Invisibility Candle - Light Eye with rays - Night-Eye (rays = light) Bar - Paralysis (Bar = Barrier) Man with Roof and Hail - Sanctuaty (Like a house...) Face with X for Mouth - Silence Face with Waves by Ears - Sound MYSTICISM: (Midnight Blue) Lips w/ Fangs and Stat - Absorb that stat (similar to vampire icon) 4 Arrows Pointing In - Spell Absorbtion 4 Arrows Pointing Out - Spell Reflection Stylized X - Mark Arrow w/ X - Recall (Arrow = go, X = Mark) Arrow w/ Daedric letters - ALMSIVI Intervention (Letters are ASV) Arrow w/ 8-pointed star - Divine Intervention (8 Divines, or 9...) Magnifying Glass & Key - Detect Key (A Magnifying Glass Detects) Magnifying Glass & wand - Detect Magicka (Wand = Magic Item) Magnifying Glass & Necth - Detect Creature (Netch = Creature) Broken 5-pointed Star - Dispel Ankh in box - Soul Trap (Ankh=Life=Soul, hard one) Vace w/ motion lines - Telekinesis (moving but not touched) RESTORATION: (Light Blue) Crossed out Illness Icon - Cure that Illness Illness or damage - Resist that Illness (Omega stands for Ohm, icon in an Omega a measure of resistance in electonics or Omega just means dominance over, your pick) Up Arrows w/ Stat Icon - Fortify that Stat (More like Triangles) Pluses w/ Stat Icon - Restore that Stat (First aid symbol or add) Crossed out Pin - Curse Remove (Think Voodoo - Not used) Other: (Blue) Daedric Letter - EXTRA SPELL, just waiting for some clever modder to find a use for it. The letter is the long lost Daedric X. ***************************************************************** 3. Save Games, Compatibility, etc. ***************************************************************** Shouldn't cause any special problems. As usual, you should consider backing up your save before starting a new mod. Not fully Compatible with any mod that changes spell effects. (Other than Wakim's Game Improvements). ***************************************************************** 4. Known bugs. ***************************************************************** None. ***************************************************************** 5. Credits & Usage ***************************************************************** Created by ManaUser paul AT manauser DOT info You may use anything from this mod, credit is appreciated but optional. That means you can redistribute the whole thing too, though in that case, I sure hope you give me credit. :)