***************************************************************** The Elder Scrolls III MORROWIND: Privateer's Hold Requires: Bloodmoon ***************************************************************** An alternate beginning mod. New characters now have a chance to play through the beginning dungeon from Daggerfall. Index: 1. Installation 2. Playing the Plugin 3. Save Games and Compatibility 4. Known Bugs 5. Credits, Contact & Usage ***************************************************************** 1. INSTALLING THE PLUGIN ***************************************************************** To install the plugin, extract all files and folders into the Morrowind\Data Files directory. From the Morrowind Launcher, select Data Files and check the box next to PrivateersHold.esp. ***************************************************************** 2. PLAYING THE PLUGIN ***************************************************************** Start a new game and look for something unusual on the prison ship at the beginning. ***************************************************************** 3. Save Games and Compatibility. ***************************************************************** Requires starting a new game, so old saves aren't an issue. If you need to remove this plug-in after starting, drop any objects from this mod first. As when removing any mod, so called "dirty saves" can result. This mod changes some chargen scripts. But every effort was made to keep it compatible. It has been tested specifically with QuickChar, and works as long as this mod loads after QuickChar (which it normally would, since it's newer.) However if you select quick character generation, you skip your chance to play this mod. ***************************************************************** 4. Known bugs. ***************************************************************** It's much harder to find a place to rest than in the original Privateer's Hold dungeon. But you can always rest in the first room and anywhere else you see a bed. ***************************************************************** 5. Credits, Contact & Permission ***************************************************************** Jman0WarS - jman AT travelersemail DOT every1 DOT net All other original models, and dungeon construction. ManaUser - paul AT manauser DOT info Scripting, NPCs, and object placement. Lady Eternity Bat Model Proudfoot Bat Texture Zenogias nite2.mp3 (Based on original Daggerfall music.) Qarl Blood pool model and texture You may reuse any scripts, or pieces of scripts from this mod. You may also reuse any model, providing you credit Jman0WarS.